1000 Summit Avenue

P.O. Box 234
Summit, NJ 07902-0234


For emergencies, dial 9-1-1

Our annual fund drive is underway! Support Summit EMS with a contribution today »

1000 Summit Avenue

P.O. Box 234
Summit, NJ 07902-0234


For emergencies, dial 9-1-1

Join Us

Join our team!  Volunteers ages 16 and older often enter with little or no EMS experience. All you need is the desire to serve.

There are three basic types of volunteer memberships:

Active Members staff the ambulance and participate on Emergency Medical calls.

Active members are expected to serve on a crew, the same day or evening per week and a minimum of 24 hours each month. Once accepted, participants are assigned a crew and begin probationary training.  New volunteers receive training in CPR, use of squad equipment and procedures, and classes mandated by the state of New Jersey. Most active members pursue Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification.

Affiliate Members assist with squad administration.

From accounting to fundraising to technology support, affiliate members volunteers assist with important administrative functions necessary to run the squad.

Junior Members are high school students ages 16 and older who participate and assist on Emergency Medical calls.

High school students living in Summit who are at least 16 years of age (by October 31st, 2025) are eligible to join and assist in emergency calls. Juniors are expected to attend training sessions,  and squad activities, and serve on a weekly 3-hour shift and one monthly 12-hour weekend shift. An interview is required.

Applications for the 2026/2026 school year are due March 15th, 2025.  Interviews will be conducted in April.

Please refer to our Junior Program page for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply?

It’s easy! Just download an application and return it to us! Once we receive your application we will set up a time to talk to you and initiate the process. Or use the contact form on the site and we will get back to you to answer any question you have.

When are applications for the Junior Program Due?

Applications for the 2025/2026 school year are due March 15th, 2025! Please proceed to the Junior Program page to access the application.

Do I need to be a Summit resident to join?

We give priority to Summit residents. If you live outside of Summit you should first check to see if you can volunteer with your local first aid squad. If your town doesn’t have a local squad or it is not accepting new members, please contact us!

Do I need prior medical experience?

No! We provide all the training you need to ride on the ambulance and assist in emergency calls. Most of our members come in with little or no medical experience.

Do I need to become an EMT?

Most of our members choose to obtain an Emergency Medical Technician certification within two years of joining the squad. There are many EMT training courses available during the year. For active members of the Squad, EMT courses are available at no cost through a state training fund.

I don’t think I want to ride on the ambulance. Are there other volunteer opportunities?

Yes! We have many Affiliate members who help with the many administrative functions of the squad, whether it is fund raising, marketing, data entry, technology support, or finance and accounting assistance. If you have a particular interest or professional skill and some time to give, please contact us!

What is the time commitment to join the squad?

Due to the nature of the emergency services we provide, there is a necessary commitment to serving on the squad as an active crew member. Most of our active volunteers pull a single 12 hour shift one day or one night per week. Day shifts are from 7am to 7pm and night shifts from 7pm to 7am. Additionally, each volunteer is asked to work one 12-hour weekend shift each month on a sign-up basis.

What if I can’t fully make the commitment?

We are flexible to unique situations. We understand that not everyone can devote a full 12 hour shift every week. We have many stay at home parents who pull during the hours when their children are in school. We also welcome local college students who are able to offer consistent blocks of time during the school year. Not sure? Contact us to discuss whether your availability works!

Are there costs associated with joining the squad?

No. Uniforms, training, and equipment are all paid for by the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad.

What does becoming a member mean?

The Squad is run as an inclusive membership. Once new applicants have completed basic training they are voted in as full members of the squad and able to participate in meetings, governance of the squad, and administration function.

How do I know if this is right for me?

Try it out! We offer ride-along programs where you can spend some time with a crew and ride on the ambulance as an Observer. Contact us and we can set up a time for you to ride as an observer.

Want to learn more?

Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch …

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