“Neighbors Helping Neighbors” has been the slogan used by the Summit First Aid Squad for over 50 years. Thanks to generous members of the community including St Teresa of Avila Parish in Summit, that works both ways. Monsignor Robert Meyer, aka Father Bob, Pastor at St. Teresa of Avila Parish, recently offered a donation on behalf of the Parish to the First Aid Squad, to thank them for all they’ve done for Summit during the past year. Karen Karen Barisonek, Finance Director for St Teresa’s; Father Bob presented a check to Bob Flanagan, President of the First Aid Squad.
St. Teresa of Avila encourages all Summit residents to consider donating to the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad to thank them for their hard work and dedication to our community within the last year.
Serving Summit since 1962, the all-volunteer First Aid Squad, responds to emergency calls 24/7, is entirely funded through private donations and does not bill for service. The Squad is always looking for new volunteers to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. For information on becoming a volunteer, or donating to the squad please call 908-277-9479, or visit their web site at: www.summitems.org.
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